
[DEPRECATED]Cleansing Felwood

Diese Quest wurde von Blizzard als nicht genutzt markiert und kann weder erhalten noch vollendet werden.
Bring 15 Blood Amber to Maybess Riverbreeze in Felwood.
Blutharz (15)


Plants give life to Felwood, yet even they suffer the taint of corruption. I know ways to cleanse them, but I cannot give out such knowledge to those I don't know or trust. Prove to me that you will truly aid the cause of the Cenarion Circle!

To the north lie the Irontree Caverns. The Warpwood elementals present there are now beyond hope of cleansing. I ask you to bring me their sap - blood amber it is called - so I may study it in the hopes of saving other forms of life here.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(4102))

