
An Earnest Proposition

Diese Quest wurde von Blizzard als nicht genutzt markiert und kann weder erhalten noch vollendet werden.
Acquire 15 Silithus Venom Samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of Magister's Bindings to Mokvar in Orgrimmar.
Giftprobe aus Silithus (15)
Bindungen des Magisters (1)


Benötigtes Geld: 20 (1)


Hail, <Klasse>! I can tell by your demeanor that you've seen and done much in this world. Yet I'm willing to wager you haven't seen a piece of armor like this.

Perform a small favor for me and I'll be willing to trade it to you for an ordinary set of bracers.

I'm in need of a sizeable sample of venom drawn from the spiders and scorpions that inhabit Silithus. Bring this to me along with a few gold coins and I'll perform the exchange.


Ihr bekommt:
Bindungen der Zauberkünste


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(8915))

