
Free From the Hold

Diese Quest wurde von Blizzard als nicht genutzt markiert und kann weder erhalten noch vollendet werden.
Safely escort Gilthares Firebough back to Captain Brightsun in Ratchet.


Escort Gilthares Firebough back to Ratchet (1)


Finally! Someone to rescue me!

I can't believe you got past the guards. These zealots from Theramore are out of their minds. They sank our ship and imprisoned me, the only survivor. I was called an enemy and threat to the Alliance.

Me! A threat to their great sham of an Alliance? I was a deckhand on a moonshine transport between Ratchet and Booty Bay.

Enough talk. Help me get back to Ratchet will you? Let me know when you're ready and we'll make our break.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(898))

